Listen to Bonnie on The New Yorker Radio Hour podcast

3 February 2023
“After more than fifty years in music, Bonnie Raitt is far from resting on her laurels; her latest album, “Just Like That . . .,” is nominated for four Grammy Awards this year, including Song of the Year—a category in which her competition includes Beyoncé and Adele, stars a generation younger. She talks with David Remnick about her early career in the blues clubs of Boston, and reflects on the state of the genre today.” – The New Yorker Radio Hour with David Remnick
Listen to the full conversation with Bonnie at the link in bio/here: https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/the-new-yorker-radio-hour/a-conversation-with-bonnie-raitt-plus-public-enemys-chuck-d